
The house centipede runs rapidly, holding its body well elevated, suddenly stops, then runs again toward concealment. It is one to two inches long, with very long slender antennae and 15 pairs of long legs. The grayish yellow to brown body has 3 longitudinal dorsal stripes, and the legs are banded with white. This centipede has compound eyes. They can readily detach their legs if grasped by an enemy. The last pair of legs is very long and is modified to hold its victims.
This species of centipede is found in wet damp places, especially in basements, in potted plants that are over watered and in bathrooms. Their bite can be painful, but is not generally toxic to humans.

Brownish and worm-like in appearance with many body segments, millipedes have two pairs of legs on each segment. They typically live outside in moist vegetation, leaf litter and mulch and feed upon decaying organic wood and plant matter. When conditions are right, migrations can occur and large numbers will find their way inside homes through cracks and crevices. When disturbed, they curl up like a watch spring.
Millipede infestations are so bad that sometimes people need to shovel them out of damp areas. Maybe your infestation isn’t that bad but populations can build up in a hurry. A combination of moisture control and treatment provides the best control.